Thanks for checking out my website. I'm Leslie Huntington, Mental Performance Coach, and 26-year veteran College Softball Coach.
My journey to Mental "Toughness" started with myself. While I thought I was mentally tough, and I thought I knew what it meant to be mentally tough, I really had no clue.
Looking back, my actions and words didn't align with what mental toughness means to me today. I wasn't a very mentally tough coach. And I demanded mental toughness from my players, even though I didn't set a great example.
One day it hit me. My players didn't KNOW HOW to be mentally tough, and it was my responsibility to teach them.
So I dove into any type of book or other resource I could find. I had to figure it out.
Several books, videos, and seminars later, I had a plan.
Teaching Mental Toughness became not only something I felt I needed to do to help my players become the best they could be, it became my passion and a source of a much higher purpose.
I realized that I had a softball field for a classroom, to teach not Mental "Toughness," but rather the critical life skills my athletes would need to thrive in their lives and find satisfaction and fulfillment.
That's where my Mental Performance business started, and that's why I do what I do. I hope I have the privilege someday of helping you!

NFCA Hall of Fame Coach, Leslie Huntington, is a three-time national champion softball coach at University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire and the Blugolds’ all-time winningest coach. Leslie has over 30 years of softball coaching experience and sees the need for more focused mental performance training:
"I started Leslie Huntington Mental Performance because I felt there was an incredible need for young athletes like yourself to improve their mental performance [...] this is the place where you can grow your mindset and perform like never before"
"She had another AMAZING weekend pitching showing control, focus, and maturity on the mound! Again, Thank you!"
- Hannah D., Mom of Power 5 softball recruit

"THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. She is on a whole new level and owes all of her mental preparation and success to you! She is all in and it's so awesome to see her have a routine every pitch. It's amazing to watch."
- Travel Ball Coach, Morgan G.
"She has been doing great and stays so consistent rather than letting things get to her. The other day she started off a game with three balls, only to reset and then strike the girl out. She really gets how important the mental part is now and it's showing!"
- Julie G, Mom​